Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty

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Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty

What is it?

Hemiarthroplasty is a surgical procedure that is performed to replace half of the hip joint with a prosthetic, leaving the other half as it is. Hemi actually means half while arthroplasty is a joint replacement. In a hemiarthroplasty, the surgeon actually replaces the femoral head that allows the hip to move as the position of the leg changes. It is usually performed for treating a fractured hip. It can also help in treating hips that were damaged by arthritis.

Hemiarthroplasty Bipolar is the type of Hemiarthroplasty that uses a femoral head that can swivel while moving, reducing the wear and tear on the new joint and helping the prosthetic to last longer.

A hemiarthroplasty surgical procedure generally takes lesser time and the loss of blood is lesser than total Hip replacement surgery. Hemiarthroplasty is generally performed right after a fall or an injury that causes a hip fracture. The patient might be hospitalized for a couple of days before the procedure.


The patient will be administered either of the following anesthesia,

The surgeon will then create an incision on the side of the thigh near the hip. When the surgeon can see the joint, the femoral head will be removed from the acetabulum. The ball and socket are kept in place by a network of ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The femoral head will also be detached from the rest of the femur and the inside of the femur is hollowed out, placing a metal stem inside it.

The surgeon will then place a prosthetic femoral head securely on the stem, which can be attached to another head, lined with plastic. This head within a head is called the bipolar prosthesis.

Now, the surgeon will stitch the incision and bandage it. A drain might be used to drain any minimal bleeding.


Aayush Hospital
Plot no 112, Sector 30, Behind Canara Bank, Owe, Kharghar-410210


   +91 9324808732 / +91 98671 61000